The company has said that it has started working on its very own operating system (OS) which it will be putting in its smartphones. Huawei has now come up with a new operating system called the Hongmeng OS which is touted to be 60% faster than the Google’s Android OS. Upcoming smartphones from the brand are reported to come with Hongmeng OS itself. Andrew Williamson, vice president of Huawei Technologies public affairs and communications, said in an interview that the company will be trademarking its new Hongmeng OS. He also said that until now, the new OS has been rolled out to more than 1 million Huawei devices in China. He said, “Huawei is in the process of potentially launching a replacement. It’s not something Huawei wants. We’re very happy of being part of the Android family, but Hongmeng is being tested, mostly in China. I believe it is already being rolled out over a million devices. Presumably we’ll be trying to put trademarks.” He also noted that he expected the revenue growth of Huawei would fall to around 20% compared to last year’s expansion of 19.5%. Earlier this year, we saw that Huawei was touted to be the biggest electronics company in China as per the result of a survey. It has taken lead on other Chinese electronics and smartphone makers and Apple as well. But he also mentioned that, if the trade tensions between Huawei and the US becomes a trade-war then the Hongmeng OS will be ready and running in the coming months. According to the Data from the UN World Intellectual Property Organization, Huawei has already applied for a trademark for its Hongmeng OS in a number of countries. Williamson also said that the chipmakers and other tech companies breaking ties with Huawei could have a “catastrophic” consequences for their business as the company is one of their biggest customers.

He said, “We’re not specifically asking anyone to lobby for us. They’re doing it by their own desire because, for many of them, Huawei is one of their major customers.” The trade ban was put on the company as US President Donald Trump has accused the Chinese technology firm of spying on the country’s communications. According to the US, the use of Huawei products and service could pose a security threat for the country. Currently, the company is on three months’ grace period after which all trade will be banned to do business with all US tech giants.  For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel. You can also stay up to date using the Gadget Bridge Android App.

Huawei to roll out its Hongmeng OS replacing the Android OS on its smartphones - 98Huawei to roll out its Hongmeng OS replacing the Android OS on its smartphones - 27