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Send a welcome message to new members

Take some time out to compose a thoughtful welcome message and send it to new members that join your Facebook group. New members are more likely to participate in the group when you acknowledge their presence and make them feel welcome. You can either send a message to every person that joins the group or do a weekly roundup by making a fresh post and tagging all the new members. A public post also helps break the ice between new members and group regulars.

Initiate discourse with text posts

Depending on what your group is about, you can create text posts that spark a discussion in the comments and bring everyone together. Your post needs to be well-researched and should cover multiple facets of the discussion so as to include everyone in the discourse. Make sure the comment section is well-moderated so as to make everyone feel welcome in voicing their opinion without having to worry about any hostility.

Set up novel themes for specific days

If you’re worried about the group hitting a stagnation point, you can stir things up a bit and generate more user activity by encouraging group members to post content around a certain theme on specific days. For example, if you manage a food-related group, every Sunday can be a ‘homemade recipe’ posting day where users share their own recipes with the group. This will keep the group members interested in engaging with the group and will drive up user activity.

Make sure the group is well moderated

Once you notice that your Facebook group is seeing a lot of activity and user-generated posts, you will need to make sure that it is well-moderated. No matter how good the quality of content is, no one wants their feed to be filled with spam. Appoint a group of moderators and assign them certain tasks. Make sure the group members engage in civil discourse so that everyone feels welcome and isn’t put off by any kind of hostility.

Create video posts

If you want your content posted on other platforms, make sure you create frequent video posts. Apps like TikTok and Instagram are integral in making your content ‘viral’, and once your post gains popularity, it can bring a lot more new users to your group. Video posts can also generate within the group as more people are likely to watch a video than read a text post.

Build your community by hosting online or offline meetups

A close-knit community is integral to the proper functioning of a group. Make sure the group members are familiar with each other and bring everyone together by hosting virtual meetings through Zoom. You can also host an in-person meetup at a park or cafe if you manage a local group. You can set up fun activities like board games and trivia to unite the group.

Use group metrics to gain insights about the group

As an admin, you have access to group metrics that give you a better idea of the engagement and activity rate. Use these metrics to figure out which kind of content users like to engage with. Weed out the unpopular content. Over a period of time, you will get a good idea of what kind of content should be encouraged within the group. 

Run contests and giveaways

Contents and giveaways are a great way of driving up engagement and even recruiting new members to your Facebook group. While you don’t have to entirely rely on giveaways to amplify user activity, you can use them to spark up the group when things hit a slow patch. Make sure the contests are designed around the theme of the group in order to make them unique. Read Also: How to Create Your Own Telegram Stickers


These are the top 8 tips to engage your Facebook group members. While posting good quality content should always be your top priority, it is equally important to create a healthy community of group members. Facebook groups that are not well-moderated often fall apart pretty quickly. If you found these tips helpful, let us know in the comments! For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel. You can also stay up to date using the Gadget Bridge Android App. You can find the latest car and bike news here.

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